The difference between wheat flour with and without yeast

When cooking, it is important to use the right flour. You can replace it in some cases taking some care, but it’s best to use the flour that’s specified in the recipe, especially when this is your first time making it. Plain flour and leavened flour are both used to make breads, muffins and biscuits. They can be substituted in these recipes. When you make homemade pastries, cakes or breads, it’s best not to substitute. Without the addition of any yeast, doughs made with regular flour will not rise, while fermented wheat flour produces a fluffy, risen product without the addition of yeast. When substituting plain flour with leavened flour it is usual to adjust the amount of yeast by adding or subtracting as needed. Do not substitute leavened flour in recipes that need to rise. Here’s a tip from Ocrim World: when you substitute fermented flour for regular flour, decrease the dry mass by 1 ½ teaspoons and decrease the salt by ½ for each cup of fermented flour used. When replacing plain flour with yeasted flour, decrease the amount of flour by 2 teaspoons per cup and add 1 ½ teaspoons of dry dough and ½ of salt per cup of flour from the original recipe.