Benefits of Whole wheat Flour

Whole, according to the dictionary, means entire, total. In the case of whole foods, it is synonymous with less processing and more of its totality. Flour, the basic ingredient of the preparations, is considered whole when it maintains its purest aspect. Whole wheat flour is the transformation of the whole grain into flour by the grinding process. This process makes the flour thicker and darker than refined flour, has a shorter shelf life, but contains much more fiber and other micronutrients, the nutritional benefit being its main positive point. In addition to containing different vitamins, minerals and fibers, whole wheat flour also provides a lower glycemic index, which is the food’s ability to raise the amount of sugar in the blood, which helps in the proper functioning of the body. The benefits of dietary fiber in a proper diet are: lowering cholesterol, preventing constipation, increasing satiety, reducing the risk of heart disease, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, preventing and treating diverticulosis, and also treating type 1 diabetes. The ideal goal is to ingest between 25 to 35g of fiber daily through the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and preferably by the ingestion of whole wheat products, such as whole wheat pasta, whole wheat crackers and brown rice.